Gaining weight is a passive process while losing weight is a ruthless active process which can absorb you physically, physiologically and psychologically. But if you are determined enough to conquer this battle then we are with you. We asked diet experts to come up with some lesser-known diet tips that could make the most jaded dieter drop that cookie and vow, “Oh wow! I’ll try that today.”
Here are nine diet tips you may not have not heard yet. Some involve different ways to eat, or adding certain foods to your diet. Others involve learning new behaviors or strategies to help you stay on track.

Weight Loss Tip No. 1: Keep it consistent

Who hasn’t heard the adage “variety is the spice of life”? But as it turns out, variety doesn’t deserve its good reputation. Recent study has shown that variety makes you eat more. For example, researchers in France found that study participants ate more french fries when they were offered catsup and mayonnaise along with them. Other researchers have found that people who have been able to maintain weight loss tend to eat diets with limited variety.

Weight Loss Tip No. 2: Have barley for breakfast

Barley is the new oatmeal. Barley got its hunger-fighting reputation after Swedish researchers found that eating barley or rye kernels for breakfast kept blood sugar on an even keel. That’s because the carbs in barley and rye kernels are “low glycemic index,” meaning they raise blood sugar more slowly than some other carbohydrate foods. This helps you avoid a spike, and then a drop, in blood sugar, which can leave you feeling famished. One caveat – buy hulled barely, not pearl barley.

Weight Loss Tip No. 3: Modify your lunch salads

Eating salad in lunch is a great dietary idea if you add some protein and little fat to it as it will keep you full for longer hours and there is less chances of having a cheat meal.

Weight Loss Tip No. 4: Use smaller plates

Experts say they’ve seen it again and again: the larger your plate, the more you’re likely to put on it. So serving your meals on smaller plates can help you eat less. Use the smaller plates to serve meals. And a bonus tip: make sure they’re contrasting with the color of your food.

Weight Loss Tip No. 5: Eat before meals

Choosing the right starter can help you shift the pounds. American research found eating half a grapefruit before a meal resulted in an average weight loss of 3.6lbs, with some people losing up to 10lb, over 12 weeks. Scientists think the fruit helps kickstart your body into burning fat. Note that grapefruits can interact with certain medications, including statins. Check with your GP if you are concerned. The other alternative is to grab an apple 15 minutes before your meal – you’ll eat less and save 187 calories.
Veggie soups and salads before a main meal also help you cut back on calories. A light, healthy snack before you eat helps take the edge off your appetite so you don’t want such a big calorie hit from your main meal.

Weight Loss Tip No. 6: Get up early

Night owls are more likely to have a bigger waist and more abdominal fat than women who get up earlier, according to one study. Researchers believe that staying up late could affect your metabolism and cause you to gain fat around the middle – which could increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Eating later in the evening could also mean that you don’t burn off as many calories, which will lead to more weight gain. Try going to bed and getting up earlier for a few weeks to see if losing weight is any easier.

Weight Loss Tip No. 7: Stock up on frozen vegetables

Sure, fresh vegetables are delicious and nutritious. But faced with the need to scrape a carrot, wash and slice a zucchini, or cut broccoli into florets, many of us say, “Too much trouble!” and reach for chips instead. To make things easier, stock your freezer with frozen vegetables, Blake tells dieters.

Weight Loss Tip No. 8: Eat super-sized

Prepare a large vegetable or fruit platter for yourself or you can share it with your family or health conscious guests. Keep it in the front level of your fridge and encourage yourself to munch on it several times a day. Studies have proved that we have tendency to eat those food which comes first within our reach.

Weight Loss Tip No. 9: Benefit from the temperature

If spending time in hot sauna can burn calories then spending few hours in a chilly room should not be underestimated. Low temperature of 61 Fahrenheit stimulates the fat burning process of the body. When brown fat which is also known as “good fat” is exposed to low temperature it enhances its metabolic rate to 15 fold which burn the extra calories. It is found that lean people have more brown fat rather than the white fat which has calorie storage property. So, try to spend some time in a chilly house instead of a sauna.

Weight Loss Tip No. 10: Try on your skinny jeans once a week

Find a pair of pants that is tight, but not impossible to zip and try them on once a week. We recommend trying your skinny jeans on Fridays. Why Friday? Weekends are typically a tougher time to stay on diets, . And the Friday morning try-on will motivate you to watch your eating during the weekend.

Weight Loss Tip No. 11: Use Banaba leaf extract

Banaba is a medicinal plant and found in Southeast Asia and Philippines. It has medicinal properties which help in diabetes and weight problems. It helps in lowering down the blood sugar level and enhances the utilization of insulin by the body.

Weight Loss Tip No. 12: Have an almond fix

If you need a snack between breakfast and lunch, make it almonds. Eating 43g of the nuts mid-morning helps limit the calories you take in through the rest of the day – this may be down to the combination of good fats, protein and fibre that help control your appetite in the hours ahead.

Weight Loss Tip No. 13: you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

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